Presented by China Cultural Centre in Sydney
in association with Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney
20 March – 10 April 2015
OFFICIAL OPENING Thursday 19 March 2015
To be opened by the University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael Spence
Welcomed by Director of the China Cultural Centre in Sydney, Zhaoli
Keynote speakers:
Li Huaxin, Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China,
Professor Colin Rhodes, ‘Elemental’ curator and SCA Dean,
Edmund Capon AM, OBE, Former Director of the Art Gallery of NSW, and Chairman of the Board of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
Tianli Zu is an artist trained in China and Australia. Her work embodies deep experience of both places and cultures. It is, though, neither commentary nor description, but living thing. Elemental synthesizes an expressive singularity that seemingly hosts all things natural and manufactured. Her forms contain and embody a series of boiling tensions and frissons that she marshals and conjures in objects of striking beauty. Beauty is somehow the key. Beauty that is wrought from the oppositions which exist through the mundane and metaphysical spheres. Beauty that is wrought from the binaries of intuition and skilled intention.
Elemental is of a series of installations consisting of hand-cutouts, animation and light projection, curated by Professor Colin Rhodes, Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney.
China Cultural Centre in Sydney
Level 1, 151 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Gallery hours:
Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 1pm, 2 – 5pm