Shadow Maze
Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre 

The more than 10 x 10 square metres interactive installation in the gardens takes viewers on a journey through the history of Hazelhurst and its original owners Ben and Hazel Broadhurst. The Broadhursts established the property in 1946 and bequeathed it to the local community. Combining digital prints and images with delicate hand cuts the installation creates playful, and at times eerie, shadows that dance throughout the maze as the light and shade in the gardens shift throughout the day. The hand-cut peepholes create a layering of historical images with views to the original house, the current gardens, and the Arts Centre.

A new work by Tianli Zu commissioned by Hazelhurst and launched to coincide with the Gallery’s 15th birthday celebrations.

Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre
21 Feb – 1 Jul 2015
Commissioned by Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre